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Acknowledge and Accept: That burning feeling in your legs during squats? The struggle to catch your breath after a hard run? Acknowledge it! Don’t try to power through it with gritted teeth. Notice the discomfort without judgment. Pushing it away will only make you want to quit sooner.

Or as I like to say ….”Fix your face”

Identify the Source: Is the discomfort muscular fatigue from pushing your limits, or a nagging pain that might signal something wrong? Listen to your body. If it’s genuine fatigue, that’s a good sign! But if it’s pain, address it before it becomes an injury.

Challenge and Reframe: Instead of seeing the discomfort as a sign you’re weak or failing, reframe it! That burn is your muscles growing stronger. Struggling to breathe means you’re pushing your cardiovascular system, building endurance. Tell yourself, “This is temporary discomfort leading to long-term gains!”

Take Action: Use the discomfort as fuel. If that last rep feels impossible, maybe focus on proper form instead. Can’t quite hit your target run time yet? Celebrate the progress you’ve made and recommit to pushing a little further next time.

Benefits of Embracing Discomfort:

Increased Self-Awareness: By understanding your body’s discomfort signals, you can learn to train smarter and avoid injury.

Mental Toughness: The more you push through discomfort, the stronger your mental resilience becomes. You’ll be better equipped to handle challenges and setbacks in all areas of life.

Breaking Plateaus: Discomfort is often a sign you’re nearing a plateau. Pushing through it with focused effort allows you to reach new levels of fitness.

***Remember: Discomfort is a normal part of the fitness journey. Start with small challenges and gradually increase the intensity as you get stronger. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small. If the discomfort becomes pain, listen to your body and adjust your workout or seek professional guidance. There are many resources available, like trainers or online communities, to help you navigate fitness discomfort effectively.

D’Vine Wellness Co.
NYC Metropolitan Area
Brooklyn, NY